Sunday, 8 January 2012

Introduction #edtechccp1

This is my first post as part of the Educational Technology Creative Collective #edtechcc. My first task is to introduce myself and what I aim to get out of this project.

Who am I?
My name is Helen and I am Course Leader for Creative Media Production and Photography at the City of Stoke on Trent Sixth Form College. I took on this role before the summer though I originally trained as a Design Technology teacher. I now teach a wide range of Btec and Alevel subjects including Graphics, Photography and Art.

Why am I taking part in this project?
I spend my days trying to encourage creativity from my students and staff around me. I have found that now I have taken on a more managerial role my own creativity is not being encouraged to the extent it once was, (I am not finding enough time to play with tools/ideas and generally geeky things). I wanted to take part in this project to rectify this balance and set some time aside for my own learning and experimentation with technologies and ideas.
I have also tried over the last few years to reflect regularly and publicly on my own practice through this blog though this has not been terribly successful so I am hoping this project helps me form a habit of sharing and reflection.
The final reason is it is coming up to my second 'Twitterversary' and felt that recently I had stopped contributing as much to the community due to work pressure. I felt I needed to find a way to begin giving back again. Twitter has been very important to me over the last two years but I am very aware that you need to contribute and collaborate to keep learning.


  1. Great to have a fellow designer and photographer on #edtechcc. There's such a diversity of participants that I'm hoping we see some really different examples of how different tools can be used - which should be inspiring in itself.

  2. Hi Helen,
    I've joined up too, from a very different part of the spectrum from designers like yourself & Colin. Looking forward to working through some of the tasks and learning for folk with different skill-set.

  3. Hi Helen, how's things? Good to have you back.
    Yes, I think we sometimes need a little nudge to reorient our priorities and edtechcc through Colin has certainly done that for me, opening up a new channel for exploration

    Looks like there's a few of us coming up to our 2nd Twitterversary! I know @dughall 's just had his. Not sure what form the 'celebration' took though

  4. It is very easy to get lost when you are busy managing others so well done you. The teachers have made the same comment about doing the 100 word challenge for grown ups to see what the children go through with 100WC! I look forward to seeing your posts!
